
Committees are an integral part of OCB. We couldn’t do what we do if it weren’t for people volunteering to serve on these committees. Below, is a list of the current committees that we have, and appreciate your consideration in getting involved on one of these committees. If you are interested in serving, please contact us at

Constitution and By-laws Committee – Jean Jones, Chair
Meets 2-3 months prior to the convention to review and propose changes.

Convention Committee – Vicky Golightly & Frances Poindexter, Co-Chairs
Meets monthly from January to September.

Fundraising Committee – tba
Meets as needed.

Governmental Affairs Committee – Jean Jones, Chair
Monitors state and federal legislation affecting Oklahomans who are blind or visually impaired. Meets as needed.

History Committee – Jeanne Meyer, Chair
Meets regularly to archive and document the history of the organization.

Next Generation – Dana Young, Chair

Membership Committee – tba

Outreach Committee – Frances Poindexter, Chair

Public Information Committee – Sandy Evans, Chair
Exhibits at various events to spread awareness about the organization’s programs and services. Meets as needed.

Social Media Committee – Sandy Evans, Chair
Works on social media platforms to post updates regarding the organization and also various blindness related issues. 

Web Site Committee – Vicki Golightly, Chair
Meets monthly to update our website.



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